Welcome everyone to Autism and Cooking! I'm not a professional writer. I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist. What I am is a mom of three children/young adults. My oldest, child A, is 22 and is neurotypical. Child B, my son, is 18 and has mild to moderate autism. To me he is more moderate than mild. Child C, is 15 and has ADD (attention deficit disorder) and some pretty severe learning disorders. My husband has his own set of issues. Since Child C was born we have been a low income type of family. We tried having my husband work days and I would work evenings. That worked out well when the kids were small. Eleven, almost twelve years ago, I became a stay at home mom. It's been great as far as managing the kids, but bad financially. Coming up in the next twelve months I am going to try to find a job. Yeah, I know, good luck to me in this economy. Also, Child B will be finishing his high school years and transitioning into the unknown at this point. Feel free to come along for the ride. It should be interesting!
My release from my world of autism and special ed is to bake. My family loves cookies and I bake them quite often. I plan to include some of my son's favorites in my posts. I would also love to hear what your children like to eat and how you get them to eat it. Let's share and see if we can get our picky eaters to eat better!
Well, that's it for now. I look forward to your input and feedback about this new blog of mine. If you want a decent drop sugar cookie recipe stay tuned for my next blog! Until then, try and keep a smile on your face! Nancy
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