For at least the first three years of my son's elementary school years, this is how he looked as soon as he came home off the bus. Off would come the shoes and socks, quickly followed by the pants or shorts. Why? In short, he was extremely over-sensitive to many things. In my first real blog I talked about how we had to deal with this at home. With school, the list of things increased.
He would only wear certain sneakers. The ones that would stay on his feet at the store, were the ones that we bought. Socks had to have the seams running across the top of the toes, not on the ends and sometimes had to be turned inside out. To this day, he will not wear jeans. He wears sweat pants because they fit snugly around his waist without the use of a belt. He will wear a light weight dress pant. I truly hope that the person who came up with the idea of printing labels on t-shirts, instead of sewing a label on, is a very rich person now. What a wonderful thing that is!
So now let's say you actually manage to get your child dressed for school. You get him to school. He likes the school and seems to like his teacher. Does he/she have a melt down after being there for awhile after initially seeming happy? I read an article that said that even the pitch, volume or timbre of a new voice in class can set some kids off. Was there a fire drill that day? Those loud noises can really be jarring to our kids. Suggest to the teacher to be warned way ahead of time. That way they can practice, and parents can make the choice to keep their child home that day if necessary. Did the melt down occur during gym? Some children have a hard time with the whistle that gym teacher's blow to get the children's attention. Suggest to the teacher to give your child a warning before he/she blows the whistle or come up with another method to get everyone's attention. Some children don't like to feel hot or sweaty. They may need frequent breaks.
Some children are over-sensitive to odors. We have had this problem at our house. Some children can react to a smell 1 to 3 hours later after smelling it. Here is a list of things to watch out for: perfumes, soaps, lotions, deodorants, hairsprays, air fresheners, gases from things like new rugs, plastics, rubber, paints, and paint thinners. Children with a runny nose like allergies or itchy skin may be suffering from these kind of things. I must say that my son's elementary school teachers were very good about this. They never wore perfume or anything with an odor. Windows were open as much as possible. The floors were linoleum except for a small rug in the reading area. Speak with your child's teacher if you think the room needs improvements and suggest ideas. Don't just complain.
As far as the home scene, my eldest daughter loves all things smelly! I felt that I could not restrict her in these things, but she is made to keep it to a minimum and to always have her bedroom window open as she is spraying. I also have an air purifier in my bedroom so we have a "clean" room to go to if someone needs a break from a particular odor. All I can say is that it works for us. My children also happen to suffer at times from seasonal allergies. Claritin is a staple in our medicine cabinet when needed. Always talk to your children's doctor before giving them a new over the counter medicine.
School starts for us tomorrow. I truly hope you all have a smooth transition back to or starting school. I have found that there is always something to be dealt with every year with both of my SpEd kids. This year my son wasn't put on the list to get a bus to school. Not sure how long that is going to take to fix or how I'm going to get him to school in the meantime. My daughter? She isn't going to get her schedule until she walks into the door of school this year. Her IEP is in the fall, so we have no idea what she is taking, with whom or if it is even appropriate for her. I'll be walking with her to school to find out what is what.
I do have an after school snack idea for you- corn bread. It's plain and simple. I buy the cheap corn muffin/bread mix that comes in the little boxes for about a dollar. I stock up when they are on sale. My son loves it warm from the oven! It can be crumbly, so try to not over bake it.
My best to all of you. As always, I hope I have helped someone if only in a little way. Hugs to you all!
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